Saturday, December 27, 2014

Change First in the Physical Plane

There are many planes of existence. My blog does not center on one plane because each affects or influences the other. Since this is the eve of the new year many people are considering a commitment to a change. Why not start with something easy on the physical level. You may find it begins a ripple that could bring about harmony with other changes you are considering.

Below is a component in a health program I created for people with chronic conditions. My definition of chronic is one that comes on slowly and is long suffering. That definition could fit any number of life imbalances in any plane. But lets just make this small physical change; making a Honduran salsa and eating it with two meals a day.

Chimol Recipe

Honduran style chimol  is a condiment usually served with grilled meats, but also goes well with other dishes including beans and rice.  My favorite is to put it on top of coleslaw. Alone, it could be used for a delicious salsa.

A raw mix of five colors along with the addition of lemon or lime juice possibly makes this dish a fountain of health. More information on the health benefits of these ingredients follows the recipe.



1 medium red or white onion

2 Roma tomatoes

2 medium bell pepper halves (ideally 1yellow, 1 orange)

3 Stalks of celery

Sprigs of cilantro (or culantro) to taste

Juice of 2 lemons or limes

¼ cup apple cider vinegar

Salt or garlic salt to taste

(Additional vegetable options include carrot, green pepper, or green beans)



  1. Finely chop all vegetables and cilantro.
  2. Mix together in large bowl.
  3. Add lemon juice, vinegar, optional salt, and mix until all vegetables have been coated. The more you stir the more liquid created.
  4. Cover and refrigerate. Best when chilled 4 hours or more.

Makes approximately 2½  cups.   Keeps well for about a week.

About the Veggies in Chimol

The father of western medicine, Hippocrates said, "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food."  There is no clear distinction between food and medicine; they are all part of a vast continuum.  In Chinese herbal medicine, and in Greek Medicine, the higher the nutritive value of the herb or medicine, the more highly it is valued.  The greatest difference between herbal medicines and synthetic drugs is that herbals are food; they have a nutritive value. 

Onions are effective against many bacteria. They contain flavonoids and zinc which have been shown to be effective in  stopping the growth of tumors. They also help heal skin conditions.  These flavonoids also improve the integrity of blood vessels and decrease inflammation. 

Bell peppers  are a good source of vitamin C, and many of the B vitamins.  They also have exceptional antioxidant activity. Bell peppers have been shown to prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and
strokes probably due to their content of substances such as vitamin C, capsaicin, and flavonoids.

Celery leaves have a high content of vitamin A; their stems are an excellent source of B vitamins along with rich supplies of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and plenty essential amino acids. They contain polyacetylene which has been found to offer amazing relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis. 

Tomato, best known for its Lycopene content, is an  anti-oxidant that helps in fighting cancerous cell formation. Intake of tomatoes has long been linked to heart health. Tomatoes are also widely known for their outstanding antioxidant content, lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.    New research has found an important connection between lycopene’s antioxidant properties and bone health. 

Lemons are a great source of vitamin C. They have strong antibacterial properties.  Lemon water helps aid in digestion, elimination. Lemon is high in antioxidants. They also boost the immune system and help fight off infections. They are good in preventing several bacteria-caused illnesses so a daily dose can help ward off colds, stomach distress and infection.  

You can find more about these and other fresh fruits and vegetables by surfing on the internet.

Have a question or a comment? Leave it here or visit my website  and send me a message.

Happy New Year.  


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Scents of the Holidays

The last post was about making tea for  physical and emotional health. Drinking the beverage not only warms and stimulates the body systems but the flavors trigger chemical responses through the nervous system. The same thing happens from the aromas.  The affect aromas have on our nervous system is  part of why many scents or incenses are traditionally used in religious ceremonies.   Today is Dec. 21st. Its is the winter solstice; the longest hours of darkness for the year.  The warming scents of frankincense and myrrh, rosemary and pine were an important part of the ancient rites of calling for the sun to return.

Frankincense is a resin. Its aroma is warm and dry. The affect it has on  the nervous system is  relaxing yet revitalizing. This makes it wonderful for both nervous tension and nervous exhaustion…sound like the Christmas shopping season? Whenever stress leads to depression, restlessness or insomnia look to frankincense to restore balance.

Myrrh is another resin or dry sap from a tree. It has a warm and dry effect. This is especially beneficial in the damp grey days of winter. Often times when a person has a lingering cold or congestion from a cold it is due to weakness in the spleen-pancreas. Myrrh helps the body move the congestion out.

Rosemary is actually an evergreen, one that can grow up to 6 foot tall. It is also one of the most widely used of the medicinal herbs. To the ancient Greeks and Romans the plant was sacred and used at every ceremony where solemn vows were made. It was considered a symbol of loyalty. Its action on the nervous system is to gently stimulate so it aids in concentration and memory.

Pine oil or just the fragrance is another warm dry scent. It  acts as an antiseptic which is why pine oil used to be a popular house cleaning product. The scent of Pine works as an expectorant and supports the body’s efforts to overcome respiratory infection. Many essential oil literature states that pine fragrance restores emotional positivity as well as the ability to process experiences.

Enjoy the scents of the holidays and whichever your belief, may your holiday be filled with beautiful memories.  Thanks for reading. ~ Malana

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